連結 Links
佛光山 | Fo Guang Shan Monastary
國際佛光會 | Buddha Light International Association
Association information, upcoming events, and other network resources.
人間衛視 | Beautiful Life TV
TV program schedule, viewer feedback, and web videos.
人間衛視 YouTube | BLTV YouTube Channel 人間衛視新聞在 Youtube 網站。
BLTV news channel on YouTube.
人間福報 | Merit Times Newspaper
Dharma talks by Master Hsing Yun, religion, current events and issues.
人間音緣 | Sounds of the Human World Multimedia Radio Station
Choir, orchestral, and popular Buddhist music in different languages.
佛光出版社 | Buddha Light Publishing
出版佛教經典、勵志、哲學、童話、漫畫、外文書、藝文、抄經本、梵唄等淨化人心出版品。 Publications of Buddhist philosophy, scriptures, inspirational stories, and comics.
國際佛光青年網 | BLIA Young Adult Division
國際傑出青年禪學營 | The Woodenfish Project
For young adults (under 40) interested in Buddhism. College credit is given.